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See unsolicited customers feedback describing our clothespin performance.

Loraine - 08/17/2023 

"Just wanted to tell you how pleased I am with your product, I opened the package and said 'now that is a clothespin!' This is the first time I have had a clothesline in many years. Initially I bought some clothespins (made in China) at the hardware store because they were the only ones I could find. One breaks almost every other day with normal use, and I now have as many of those in the compost pile as I have on the line. It is a simple every day product, nothing fancy, but your clothespins will bring an ease to an inevitable chore. Thanks for your work!"


Susie from PA - 07/08/2023

I absolutely LOVE your clothespins. I grew up in the 50's with REAL clothespins, that actually held the clothes on the line. I searched for years trying to find a source for mass produced heavy duty clothespins, only to finally accept that there is no such thing. Even when they say heavy duty, they are not! When I found Heritage Clothespins I was filled with excitement. It's all I use now, and every couple of years I restock my supply. Wouldn't use anything else. Looking forward to my current shipment arriving. (P.S. They make GREAT wedding and Christmas gifts for young up and coming Moms!)

Carrie - 02/05/2023 

"Hey there. I ordered 20 clothespins from you, and I have to say I am so pleased!! I really debated because of the cost, but they are 100% worth it. They are the sturdiest clothespins I've ever seen. I'm sick of buying horrible imported junk, and I'm so glad I could support a small American business. I'll be recommending you to everyone."

Clothes on a Windy Day Heritage Clothespins

Joyce from TX - 11/12/2022 

Quality Clothespins

"I washed a couple of loads today. This is the first time I used your clothespins in a 15 mph wind. They are holding fast. 


Thanks for a quality product. They are worth every penny."

Tayna - 09/01/2022 

Great product

"I'm happy with the quality of your clothespins. I never thought I'd pay $2.00 per each, but gotta say they're great. I always try my best to buy American-made products, and I'm glad I purchased from Heritage Clothespins. Keep up the great work and the high-quality product."

Heritage Clothespins Full Coiled SS Spring
Heritage Clothespin Double

Bobby from FL - 07/18/2022

Double Pins

I love these things and friends are beginning to think I have issues.


They just don't get it!

Jim from Ohio - 05/25/22

Love the clothespins!

"Received the 20-pack of oiled ash clothespins several days ago. It's wonderful being able to hang up blue jeans, sheets, and other heavy items without fear of pins not holding. They're so good even my penurious genes have wraparound smiles."

20 Pack of Heritage Clothespins
Heritage Clothespins with Jeans

Beth - 04/22/2022

I bought your pins even though they are pricey! I’m a senior that lives on a fixed income hanging my clothes saves me a lot of money and I’m old school.  Honestly I like it better...I have to say they are really nice and hold things like blankets and jeans with no problems! Thank you for making a good quality product made here in the USA!!!

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